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Why Every Girl Should Be Watching “The Conversation”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

The Conversation is an alternative interview series hosted by Amanda de Cadenet and executive produced by her BFF Demi Moore. This show is unique in that all the guests are women. With guests like Gwyneth Paltrow, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga, to name only a few, each woman has a story to tell, talking about real things that matter, like motherhood, feminism, love and sexuality, and being a survivor. A star-studded series with all different women that have experiences to share, it is impossible not to be immediately intrigued by the relaxed, intimate, and utterly honest vibe of show. With tears, laughter, and hugs included, there is an undeniable sense of sisterhood that is displayed on Amanda’s living room couch. What makes this show so awesome is how relatable it is; watching is just like sitting around with nonjudgmental friends, talking about important experiences that all of us women go through. This audacious and enlightening show will inspire you to believe in yourself and remind you of the power of female connectedness and supporting other women. 



So be sure to cuddle up on your couch (blankets and tea necessary), and check it out!

More epsiodes HERE: http://www.theconversation.tv/…