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What to Wear in an Indian Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

When the weather is supposed to be beautifully orange and October-y, AKA cold, and instead it’s a million degrees; one can be left to wonder what on God’s green earth to wear. We all want to be fully immersed in fall fashion, which means long sleeves, high boots, suede skirts and sweaters-which would bring a torrential sweat upon all of us now as it’s close to high eighties. To solve this issue, I’ve done the classic tank-top-under-a-sweater trick, along with super shredded jeans to allow some air flow. My boots have sadly taken a back seat, but that doesn’t mean sneakers should too. Vans, Nikes, Adidas sneakers all apply to this kind of weather, and should be traipsed around in while we still have warm breeze rather than changing leaves.  

