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Wake Up Pretty in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

It’s that time of year again! The time to leave behind the luxury of sleeping until noon (those of us who are lucky enough not to work 9-5) and head back to school         where, let’s be honest, not much sleeping gets done. We’re busy girls; we have friends, we study, we go out, and then pull all-nighters studying some more. These late nights can leave us with damaged skin, messy hair, and clogged pores. However, I have a few easy steps to wake up and walk out looking similar to those Neutrogena models we all aspire to be. 

1)  Wash Your Face…Okay, yes, this one seems pretty obvious. But after walking around all day, talking on your cellphone, and exhaustedly leaning your head on your hands, all kinds of bacteria and dirt can build up throughout the day. No one wants that clogging your pores. And for those times when it washing your face before bed seems so daunting (we’ve all been there), the next best thing is to use a make-up removing wipe to get rid of everything left on your face. So simple, but super effective. My favorite is Almay oil free make-up removing wipes; it takes off your most stubborn make-up and leaves your face feeling clean and refreshed. Best of all: you’re less likely to wake up with an unwanted break out.



2)  Silk/Satin Pillowcases…Not only do they feel luxurious as you sleep, but you wouldn’t believe the wonders they’ll do for your hair. Yes, it’s easy to buy a simple cotton pillowcase (especially on a college budget), but they actually cause more breakage overnight while you’re tossing and turning. Not only will satin save your locks from damage, but they can actually help prevent wrinkles by cutting out the extra pressure normal pillow cases cause.

3) Braids or Top Knots…We’ve all been there, and there are just some days we don’t want to take an hour to spend on our hair when we could be sleeping in a little more. Lucky for us there’s simple tricks to wake up with hair nearly ready for the day. My two favorites are loose braids and a top knot. French braids, whether it’s one larger one or two smaller, are great because you can use damp or dry hair. When I want slightly looser waves in the morning I choose dry hair, and wake up and add a little bit of texturizing spray before I’m out the door to class. Another great option is a top knot or even a loose sock bun. When you have damp hair and carefully wrap your hair on top of your head, you’ll add great volume for the morning and have soft curls that you can lightly comb your fingers through in the morning for an easy glam look. Finish with a light coat of hairspray and you’re out the door in under ten minutes!

Kiera is a junior at Saint Joseph's University studying Communications. She hopes to be a wedding planner one day but currently enjoys traveling, crafts, and reading fashion magazines on the beach. She loves getting involved on campus and within her sorority, Alpha Phi.