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Spring Break Slim-Down

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Believe it or not, Spring Break is just around the corner. For those lucky enough, spring break means finally get out of the cold here in Philly, and going somewhere nice and warm. In order to get your winter bod into rocking bikini shape, follow these 5 tips to get yourself spring break ready. It’s finally time to break out those bikini’s girls!

1.     Drink Tons of Water


Although you’re probably sick of hearing this in every health magazine, it’s totally true. Wake up and drink a glass of water. Then after you eat, drink another. Carry around a water bottle with you throughout the day, and when you think you have drank enough, drink more. Water is vital to our health and helps you curb cravings—in turn keeping you hydrated and beautiful. 

2.     Eat a Fiber-Full Breakfast


It’s true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and is crucial in starting your slim-down off on the right note. Begin your day with a breakfast full in fiber to help boost your energy, rev up your metabolism, and stay full longer. Try having an apple and banana with your favorite nut butter, heart-warming oatmeal, or a smoothie packed with your favorite fruit and greek yogurt.

3.     Snack Healthy

In order to snack healthy, you’ll need to plan ahead a bit to steer clear of possible downfalls. Carry along bags small bags of nuts, your favorite granola bar (my favorite are larabars), portable fruits like apples and oranges, or carrots and hummus. You’re less likely to fall into temptation if you have these delicious and healthy snacks with you to satisfy your mid-day munchies. 

4. Ditch the Soda

Soda is a slim-down nightmare. Not only is it processed and full of sugar, but it also makes you feel bloated due to the high carbonation. Try swapping soda with water infused with your favorite fruit, to turn up the taste. 

5. Eat Fresh 


Avoiding processed foods, with tons of unrecognizable ingredients, is important in maintaining your overall health and will help you slim-down.  If you can’t read an ingredient, or have no idea what it is, then it’s not worth putting in your body.