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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Check out this week’s spotlight, senior Lauren Miralles. Miralles lives in Manayunk and is enjoying the time she has left as an SJU Hawk.


Name: Lauren Miralles

Year: Senior

Major: Psychology with a minor in Sociology

Campus involvement?

LM: I am a sista of Alpha Phi!

Favorite year of college and why?

LM: Favorite year is Junior year because we moved into a house in Manayunk.


What is your favorite Hawk Hill memory?

LM: When my roommates and I got the exact apartment we wanted in Pennbrook, we were all so excited to start sophomore year all together.

Best music to listen to while studying?

LM: Anything instrumental, I can’t listen to wordy music when I am studying.


Shake Shack or Five Guys?

LM: Shake Shack of course

Favorite place you visited?

LM: Favorite place I visited has been Paris. It’s so beautiful and I remember it always smelled like amazing perfume everywhere.  


That’s all for now!


