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Spotlight: Carley Nichols

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

To start off the semester, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my own roommates, Carley Nichols. Carley is down to earth, a total sweetheart, and someone you definitely need to know!

Hometown: Wildwood Crest, NJ

Major: Elementary & Special Education 

Year: Junior


HC: What are you involved at SJU?

CN: I’m the Activities Director for Think Pink Week (October 23-28th!!), Big Brothers Big Sisters, Girls Group at the Overbrook Educational Center, Parliamentarian for Sigma Sigma Sigma, and Greek Council.

HC: Where can you be found around campus?

CN: Merion Hall or the old side of the Library


HC: What are you most looking forward to this semester?

CN: I’m excited to be living in my new house in Manayunk and focusing on taking my major courses. 

HC: Something most people don’t know about you? 

CN: I’m artsy. I love crafting!


HC: One thing you can’t live without?

CN: The beach. I’ve grown up along the coast and spend pretty much all of my time there. It’s my happy place.  


HC: Who is your role model and why?

CN: I would have to say my mom. She was a single mom and raised my sister and I all by herself and always provided us with anything we could have wanted and needed. She always supports me no matter what.

HC: Taken or single?

CN: Taken


HC: Best date you’ve ever been on?

CN: A weekend trip to New York City. We biked all over the city!


HC: Best advice you’ve ever been given?

CN: “Everything happens for a reason.” When something goes wrong, it always puts my mind at ease.


HC: Do you have any advice you wish you could tell your freshman self?

CN: Probably branch out more and HIT THE GYM!!  


