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SPD: How to Dress Green on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Irish or not, Philadelphia is a great city to be in to celebrating the holiday of Saint Patrick’s Day. Whether you are hopping on the Erin Express, joining in a celebration of green eggs & kegs, or simply having a Guinness at Kildares, wearing something green is required.


However, with spring break creating a huge hole in our bank accounts, many of us might not have that much to contribute to the luck of our green ensembles. No worries though, because I have found 5 inexpensive and cute pieces for an outfit that you can find right around SJU.


1. Target

Men’s Irish St. Patrick’s Day Burnout Fleece- Green

How comfy and cute is this sweater from Target? This works great for any casual outfit for a day of Irish shenanigans, or even class! Best part? It is only $10.19.


2. Bare Feet Shoes

Three Button Skinny Jeans $24.99

That’s right, Bare Feet is not only killer shoes, they also offer fun trendy pieces! For example, these sea foam green high waisted jeans are great for a colorful twist on a SPD outfit. Best part is you can incorporate them into your Spring wardrobe as well.

3. Francesca’s


If you are looking for a simple decoration to jazz up your outfit at a low cost, try this fun green bow! $5.00



Oakdale Jeweled Statement Necklace

This statement necklace is $38.00, but another great piece to keep for spring outfits that work at cocktail parties, date nights, and classes!


Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!




Hello Collegiettes! My name is Kate Gentile and I am a current junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite things include my dog Lilly, traveling and really arsty instagrams. Oh, and I am obsessed with Kate Middleton AND Beyonce.I am a Comm major and double minor in Advertising, PR, and Entertainment Marketing. During my time at SJU, I have interned at Philly Mag, became a sister of Alpha Phi and studied abroad last semester in Roma, Italy.After studying abroad, I now want to see many places all over the world and live for moments of beautiful unplanned enjoyment- random road trips to the beach, stopping for a drink at a cool dive bar- you name it, I am down to experience!HC SJU is an amazing team of 40+ girls (and growing) who want to offer you content of news, love, college and more. I hope you enjoy the HC SJU site and my own writing!HC XO,Kate