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Revamp Your Look: Ladylike in Leggings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Ladies, in college (and with our recently passed midterms) there are days when the struggle of wearing “real pants” is very real. Who needs the restricting skinny jean when there is the option of the non-judgmental legging and comfortable shirt combination? While the oh-so-stylish legging has become just as prevalent on campuses as a venti latte from Starbucks, they should not be an excuse to lower your standards of looking presentable for class.

What’s not to love about leggings? They’re comfortable, they’re slimming and versatile, and for those who work hard in the gym they’re downright fabulous as showcasing our finest assets. So, in the love of fashion and comfort I sought out fashionistas on campus showing it’s just as simple  (and effortless) to dress them up and still be comfortable. 



If Cara McGlew ’15 isn’t a good enough example to step up your style from drab to fab, here’s a few more reasons:


  • You never know who you’ll run into, so dress to impress. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean dresses and heels for everyday attire, let’s be practical.
  • When you dress cute, your attitude improves. Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear, any man will agree.
  • It shows respect for your teachers and classmates if you take an extra five minutes to forgo the pajama bottoms in class.

Look great, feel great. Keep your head, heels, and standards high.


Kiera is a junior at Saint Joseph's University studying Communications. She hopes to be a wedding planner one day but currently enjoys traveling, crafts, and reading fashion magazines on the beach. She loves getting involved on campus and within her sorority, Alpha Phi.