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Responding to “Why Good Girls Have Become Unicorns”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

We here at HC SJU love everything about a college girl’s life: style, relationships, internships, etc. But we also feel it is highly important to write about matters that are on the darker side of life. Lately, a wildfire of inappropriate articles has hit the internet with one message: girls suck.

Today as women we need to embrace these articles full force so that we are knowledgeable about the world around us. People are going to try to bring you down. However, with knowledge comes power, and that is the best gift a girl can give herself.

Elitedaily.com posted an article titled “Why Good Girls Have Become Unicorns” by a contributing writer back in April. All of a sudden, it’s making tons of noise on the web because it is an attempt to make this generation of females look nothing more than broken, unintelligent, and  promiscuous.

Let’s break it down:

1.    “In short, women have become easy, but they have also become broken — and eventually become undesirable because no one stays hot forever.

“Hot” is not a word to describe the integrity of a person. Any man with an ounce of maturity will never consider you “undesirable” because of your exterior. You are not broken if you have problems, because that is life. As a woman, you should have successes and failures. It shapes you into the person you are. Being able to admit virtue and vices are what makes you desirable to anyone.


2.     “Sure, we may seem dumb when we are chasing smuts, but when we do actually want to settle down with a female, she has to meet the standards that we have for a girl with whom we want to settle down.”

The double standard in this whole article is outlandish. Apparently, guys can be the lover to as many girls as they want, but it is not the same for the girls. What about our standards?

How about when we want to settle down with a man, he has to be good enough for us. If a man cannot accept the way you have lived your life before him, he has no business being in your future.

Your standard is what matters, not his.


3.     “Men are going to want to settle down with a good girl, a girl that is respectable and not someone that has been with everyone — as that is every man’s fear. The older you get, the more you realize that it is a fantasy and that doesn’t actually exist. When you actually meet one, you will refuse to admit she’s real anyways.”

Actually, it does exist.  Respect is not earned from the number of men you have or have not been with. It doesn’t matter, as long as you are happy and protecting yourself. Respect is earned through the person you are on the inside. The person you need to respect before him is yourself. If you are confident with your decisions, that is all that matters. 

A statistic or number does not define you.


4.     “Sure I’m an assh*le who loves to take advantage of women who are willing to bang me without me having to offer too much, but at the same time, I am also a gentleman who knows how to treat a lady with respect and compassion, just like any other true lady should be treated.”

Excuse me, what? Here is a guy who writes a whole article on how women need to learn how to respect themselves, yet he is calling himself an asshole. Basically, he is the king of contradiction. He is saying he can be both, a player and a gentleman. If that is true, then a woman can be a player and a lady. This is not the ‘50s anymore. He’s right. Women are stronger, and more independent than ever. You don’t need a man to tell you right from wrong. As we say today in the “Yolo” (his words, not mine) generation, you do you.


5.     “Unicorns are tough to find, and if you do stumble upon one, do everything in your power to hold on to her, as the chase is only fun for so long — and we do have a sense of compassion and companionship we like to share with a partner.”

As far as I’m concerned, unicorns are fake imaginary animals. Women are women: beautiful, intelligent, amazing. Apparently this guy wants to marry a fake horse with a pretty horn coming out of its head. No wonder he can’t find “her.”




Hello Collegiettes! My name is Kate Gentile and I am a current junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite things include my dog Lilly, traveling and really arsty instagrams. Oh, and I am obsessed with Kate Middleton AND Beyonce.I am a Comm major and double minor in Advertising, PR, and Entertainment Marketing. During my time at SJU, I have interned at Philly Mag, became a sister of Alpha Phi and studied abroad last semester in Roma, Italy.After studying abroad, I now want to see many places all over the world and live for moments of beautiful unplanned enjoyment- random road trips to the beach, stopping for a drink at a cool dive bar- you name it, I am down to experience!HC SJU is an amazing team of 40+ girls (and growing) who want to offer you content of news, love, college and more. I hope you enjoy the HC SJU site and my own writing!HC XO,Kate