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Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner: What it Means to be a Real Man

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

I’d like to dedicate this article to my father, the realist man I’ve ever known. Some call him “Cool J” and others, “Jimm-AY!” but whatever you want to call him, in my eyes he’s the spitting image of a real man

My hope for you, my fellow female hawks, is that you all have a similar influence in your lives. Whether that is a father, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a friend, a boyfriend, I hope that you all have the pleasure of knowing a REAL man: Someone who reminds you that not all men are dogs, someone who shows you more than unfinished homework and a messy bedroom, someone who is accepting of all people, who treats you with respect and most importantly, someone who never puts you, your opinions, or your emotions on the back burner.

My dad always tells me (in regards to pretty much any situation, but mostly the ones involving let downs, break ups and general annoyances from the opposite sex), “NOBODY puts baby in a corner.” While I may not have recognized the famous line from the iconic 1987 film, Dirty Dancing, as a little girl, I certainly recognize and understand it now. 

In the chaotic stream of events we know as “collegiate life” naturally, some things, whether they be items on a to-do list or personal values and expectations, get lost in translation. We lose sight of our priorities, blinded by petty gossip or this week’s episode of Revenge. With all that’s going on, we can’t physically give our time and attention to everything so we pick and choose.

A lot of times this mentality is to blame when it comes to a certain boy or boyfriend or whatever you two are calling each other this week. We settle for a mediocre male counter part because well….it’s easy. And it’s fun. And while he may not suggest you pay for dinner EVERY time you go out, he always picks you up when he says he will….unless he got caught up in a video game, or lost track of time watching the big game…

And so I’d like to stress, as my father has always taught me, the importance of having a real man by your side (if of course, a man of any kind is what you wish for to begin with). A man who opens the door for you, calls when he says he will, dresses to impress, and maybe even writes an occasional love letter every once in a while (ok ok so maybe I’m pushing it), a man who values your thoughts and opinions and encourages you to be your best self always, a man who supports your dreams and understands your fears, a man who knows that while you certainly are capable of doing it all, sometimes you just need a (strong and sculpted, preferably) shoulder to lean on.

“A real woman can do it all by herself. But a real man won’t let her.”

This ladies, is why having a real man on your arm is far better than any Michael Kors watch you may be finding in your stocking this Christmas. 

The next time your guy tells you he doesn’t want to take you into the city because “it’s so far away” or when he tells you he’s “too busy” to help you study, think of Patrick Swayze and his unconditional love for Jennifer Gray, known as “Baby” in the film. When your guy scolds you for your lack of make-up or tries to stop you from enjoying a night out with your girlfriends, remember that NOBODY, especially no man, can bring you down. Nobody puts Baby in a corner. 

So in honor of the upcoming holiday, I’d like to say thanks, Dad. Thanks for always reminding me that no matter how cute he may be, how popular he may seem, or how “good-enough” he may treat you…if he’s not a real man, he just isn’t worth it. 

My name is Annie Lagasse and although it's hard to admit, I am a senior at St. Joseph's University. Studying communications and marketing, over the last 3 years I've found a very special place in my heart for Hawk Hill. I grew up in a small town called Simsbury CT, with my two older brothers, my mom (who doubles as my best friend) and my wonderful father. Although I was blessed to grow up among the local farms, cow pastures and homemade ice cream stands of Simsbury, after 18 years it was time to branch out. While I'm still adapting to the big city and learning to love water ice and soft pretzels, I have certainly found a home in Philadelphia.