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New Girl on the Block: Stacey Suttong Tells All

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Many of you probably already know her as the fearless leader of S.U.B. and many other on-campus activities, but this year she is taking on a new job as Greek Life Coordinator! I was fortunate enough to sit down with Stacey Sottung and ask her some questions. Check out our conversation!

How did you get started here at Saint Joes?

I started here in 2007, I wanted to work in student activities for a career and there was a job!”

What are you looking forward to in regards to working with Greek Life?

The Greeks are in a great place. They’re in a place where there’s a lot of room for change, and I’m excited to be able to help them through that and start a lot of positive traditions here at Saint Joes.”

What is your favorite memory of your time here at SJU?

Probably Spring Concert 2009 or 2010, whenever the year Ludacris came. We sold out the show, I love hip hop, and that was absolutely a career highlight.”

What do you think is your biggest accomplishment in life thus far?

“Oh gosh. Probably buying a house when I was 26. That was a pretty big deal to be able to do that on my own!”

What should every woman try to do at least once in her life?

“Live alone. Absolutely. You learn so much about yourself and you can accomplish so much more than you really think you could and you learn that by living by yourself.

If you had the chance to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?

“Shoop, by Salt and Pepper because that is my go-to Karaoke Song”, she said without any hesitation.

If they made a movie about your life, who would you like to see play you?

“I have no idea. Probably Jennifer Lawrence, I just think she’s a really cool chick.”

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

“Puff Daddy. Or P Diddy. Or Diddy. Or Puffy, whatever he’s going by these days. I have admired him forever; I would love to have dinner with him”

What’s your biggest weakness?

I’m really sensitive; my feelings can get hurt really easily. I don’t think students would actually know that, but it’s very true”

Do you have any hidden talents?

“I’m a pretty good dancer, that doesn’t always get to come out around here but that’s probably good.”

Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter or Instagram?

I don’t really follow any one person, I’m not too into specific celebrities. On Twitter, I’m usually looking for specific things to do with Philadelphia, like cool events, cool places to eat and do. So basically you could say I like to follow Philadelphia”.

If you could go on any reality TV show, which show would you go on and why?

“I wanted to be on Road Rules my WHOLE life. Road Rules is not really cool anymore and that makes me date myself, but that’s okay. I’ve watched it since season one and I have the Road Rules Book. There was a book about seasons one and two that I own and know where it is at my house. I thought it was awesome before people got picked before they were pretty. Back then it was just really crazy challenges that people did”.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

“A physical therapist, which I do not have the patience to do now at all, but that’s what I thought sounded really cool”.

Do you believe in any superstitions?

I don’t think so. I’m really realistic so I think being realistic and practical takes me out of that. I’m really skeptical, but I need proof and there isn’t enough proof with that kind of stuff”.