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My First Half-Marathon: A Beginner’s Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Some of the ladies of Her Campus SJU have taken on the daunting challenge of Philadelphia’s Love Run this March. At a whopping 13.1 miles, this half-marathon will be attended by a range of runners from the participants of September’s Rock and Roll Marathon and November’s official Philadelphia Marathon still working on their cool down to the stragglers who have waited for every ounce of warmth to leave the city before braving the city on foot. You may feel called to join us this March and if so please sign up here! The year 2015 is sure to bring on a slew of New Year’s resolutions and completing the Philly Love Run may be just the right motivator for you and your fitness goals.

                Maybe you’ve never made it to a 5k or maybe you were a high school track star. Regardless, HCSJU is here to stand by you on this journey to the Philly Love Run. With step-by-step assistance on weekly workouts and meal planning, you’ll be crossing the finish line in no time. The first step is getting started. The most important thing to do first, with plenty of time between now and the start of the race, is to plan! Decide when daily workouts will fit best with next semester’s schedule and stay tuned with HCSJU for health tips and motivation.


               To kick-off this season of health and happiness, here are some tips and tricks on how NOT to over-indulge over the holiday and be sure to hit the ground running at the start of next semester!


You know what’s coming—Grandma’s cookies, family dinners, day-long feasts, and night after night of drinks with old friends. Take the time now to create a mental plan on how to deal with all the excess and how to control yourself in times of indulgence.

Get Moving! Get Busy!

With the semester over, you’re finally freed from the chains of classwork and studying! Pick up a part-time job or schedule coffee dates with friends. Whatever it takes to get yourself out of bed each day and moving. There’s also nothing better than giving your metabolism a boost with a daily workout. This way you’ll be able to handle those days of indulgence and begin to get in shape for when your actual training begins.

Portion Control

There’s nothing wrong with having a Christmas cookie or two! There is something wrong in finishing the whole tin. Aside from upsetting the family on scarfing up the last of the goods, you’ll regret it later when you realize just how much you’ve eaten. Always be aware of what’s on your plate and you’ll be less likely to overeat. Believe it or not, the first cookie usually tastes the same as the last—all the more reason to savor rather than splurge.


Physically and mentally, we all need balance in our lives. Whether it’s representing all the food groups in each meal or finding the right combination of rest and activity, don’t overwhelm yourself with a set schedule. Take this time off to release all of your fall-semester stressors, catch up on sleep, and even pamper yourself. You’ve earned it! As long as there’s a steady balance in your schedule you’ll be in just the right place at the start of the spring semester.


Nobody wants to lead a lifestyle of all work and no play, this is break we’re talking about! Take time to enjoy all the little things… and the big things too! Indulge yourself in the company of family, friends, and good cheer. Reflect on the year you’ve had and find peace in your heart to move forward with into the New Year. And get excited—2015 may be your best year yet!