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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Dear ladies, I have the honor to introduce our most recent Campus Cutie: Max Mitchell. Just a warning, you might end up falling for him after reading this.

Hometown: Charlottesville, VA

Major & Minor: Finance & Marketing double major

Year: 2014

Relationship status: Single (You hear that girls? Make moves!)

Involvement on campus: Lambda Chi Alpha, $Team (The Money Team, he said it was a little inside joke) 

Favorite spot on campus: Library – second floor, new side.

Best place to meet a girl: Bars have too many weirdos. House parties are the way to go.

Any plans after graduation? I want to travel for a month and then start working. (Adventurous much?)  

First thing you notice in a girl: Definitely her eyes.

Biggest Pet Peeve: I absolutely can’t stand when people chew with their mouth open.

Perfect first date: I like to pretend I can cook. So ideally, I’d make her food and then maybe throw on a movie. ABC Family Harry Potter weekend? – In which case, we’d watch all eight at once.  (Impressive right?)

Boxers or briefs: Boxers 100%

Beach or mountains: Beach. No place better than the Outer Banks.

Sweet or salty: Sweet. Salt is bad for you.

Starbucks or Dunkin: Dunkin 100%. I like donuts. I’ll pass on the fancy  tarts and crumb cakes.

You can catch this cutie walking around campus with an absolutely killer style and super sweet smile. Do not be shy ladies! Max is such a gentleman and he won’t be nothing but nice. Keep an eye out for Max, he is definitely a keeper. 

Born and raised in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Majoring in Communication Studies at Saint Joseph's University. I am a fashion lover since day one, I am pretty sure it is in my genes. I believe that knowledge is important, love and kindness are necessary, faith is what holds everything together, and being girly doesn't hurt anyone.