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Kristen Pilkington

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Meet this week’s Campus Celeb: Kristen Pilkington! Her bubbly personality and love of SJU shine through in all that she does with the SJU community.

Class Year: Senior


Major: English and Communications double major with a concentration in writing and marketing (It is a lot more intimidating than it sounds)


Hometown: Lebanon, Pennsylvania (in the middle of no where: 20 min from Amish country and 20 min from Hershey)


Involvement on campus:

I am on the Executive Board for Hawk Hosts, Alpha Sigma Nu member (Jesuit Honors Society), Marketing Assistant in Alumni Relations, Booster Club, Relay for Life Captain, Chapel Choir Member, APEX participant (4 years), weekly service, running club, Health Columnist for The Hawk, Hand-in-Hand committee, Sigma Tau Delta member (English Honors Society), and a Community Day Leader.


What’s your favorite thing about SJU?

I honestly do not know how to narrow it down to just one thing— but if I had to choose, I would say the people. It can be as simple as holding the door for a classmate, sharing a smile with a stranger, or buying someone coffee, but the genuine care for a fellow Hawk is a very special piece of our campus.


What’s the most embarrassing moment you’ve had while at St. Joe’s?

Haha, oh my. I would probably say falling on tour. Last spring I was walking a group of about 50 families to a presentation and I fell walking UP the steps by Sweeney Field and cut my hand pretty badly.


Congratulations on being Hawk Host of the year! What’s your favorite part about being a hawk host?

You are so sweet, thank you. I really can’t narrow it down to just one, so here are my top two. I love seeing someone I gave a tour to now on campus living his or her dream as a Hawk and knowing I had a part in making that happen. Secondly, there is always that moment on tour, when a son or daughter looks at his or her parent with that look. I know it was the look I gave my parents the moment I stepped on Hawk Hill and knew this was where my new home was meant to be.


What has your experience been with your four years of participating in Appalachia?

Appalachia will always hold a very special place in my heart. The first year I went to McKee, KY, I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. However, after getting strep throat on the Tuesday of that week and to this day still calling it one of my top memories at SJU, I think that that speaks for itself. Every year has been special in its own way. From McKee, to Laughlin Chapel, to Clinchco, and soon to Jonesville, the people, the communities, the love and appreciation are priceless. Every week I come back completely sleep deprived and every moment I spent awake was totally worth it. I always learn something about myself and ALWAYS have a greater appreciation for the life I have been blessed with. 

What experiences did you gain by studying abroad?

Oh wow, I could write a book about this question. Studying abroad was the best decision I made when coming to SJU. Going to Galway, Ireland, I was welcomed with open arms by the loving people who helped me write this next chapter in my life. I became incredibly independent—from managing foreign currency to learning eight different country’s metro systems. I experienced numerous cultures and listened to countless stories of the people of the towns that enriched my love for the country and for my experience. From Irish Dancing the night away at my favorite pub, Monroe’s, to celebrating the Gaelic Football Team’s win with the actual team, to seeing the Lion King in London, to climbing the highest mountain in Edinburgh, to jumping into the Galway Bay in 30 degree weather for good luck, I can honestly say I became the person I am today because of the four months I spent becoming a Galway Girl.


What do you plan to do after you (sadly) leave SJU?

Ah the hated question…I plan to work in Higher Education, in either Admissions or Development while getting my Master’s Degree in either Creative Writing or Organizational Leadership (maybe both!).

Any advice you can offer to the younger students here in terms of fully enjoying their time here?


Believe that you CAN do everything you want to. SJU is special that we take as much pride in what we learn outside of the classroom as what we learn inside. So, do a lot. Rush for Greek Life, create an intramural team, become a Hawk Host, go on a service trip…define who you want to become, whoever that may be. This is your time to write your next chapter, so make it a story worth writing. 

Hi! My name is Alli Murray and I am a sophomore communications major at Saint Joe's University. I am passionate about leading a healthy life, which means eating clean and workin' on my fitness! My goal is to inspire girls to do the same and help kickstart their fitness journey.