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Introduction to the IOS 7

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

For everyone who owns a smartphone, you either love updates or you hate them . As you may already know, Apple released their new software: iOS 7.  BUT do you really know what’s different?

The design is now more simplistic and modern. Apple’s whole concept was to create a system “Where your everyday things you need to do are things you want to do.” There are some new things to look out for: the Control Center, Multitask, and new camera features! The Control Center opens with just one swipe up, from anywhere, and it allows you to go directly into Airplane mode, turn Wi-Fi on or off, and adjust the brightness of your display. This will undeniably come in handy during finals week when you need to quickly turn your phone onto Airplane mode so you focus on your studies.

The new Multitask feature is a fantastic and much needed update. It knows exactly what you want before you even do it. For example, if you have those pesky 8 AMS and always wake up and check twitter around 7 AM, twitter will automatically update so it is waiting for you.

For all the Instagram lovers out there, the camera now has filters and the option for a ‘square photo’. The Photo app also has “Years, Collections, and Moments”. This feature allows you to group your photos based on the time and place they were taken. So if you had the time of your life studying abroad one semester, you can simply click that group of photos and have them right at your fingertips instantly.

There are also some things you might not even notice when you get the update, but be sure to check them out. For instance, in iMessage, drag to the left and you can see the exact time each message was sent or delivered. You could not see this in the previous version. You can also block people now in the settings à phone menu. Siri can now be a man or a woman’s voice, and you can now put as many apps into one folder as you want: there is no limit.

Check out some of these pictures of what to expect your phone to look like after you download:


Now,  enjoy.