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Instacation: the Do’s and Dont’s of Instagram this Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Following my savvy editor’s article on whom to follow on every girl’s favorite app, I am here to let you know what you need to, and perhaps not Instagram over your turkey break.

Instagram DO: Pinterest worthy table décor

Is your grand mom a bonafide Lauren Conrad when it comes to setting the decorative theme of your feast? If so, start choosing which filter is going to complement your family’s handwritten place tags. Unique and beautiful objects that make your holiday special are always a go on insta.

Instagram DON’T: The bird

You should have seen this coming, HC’s. Yes, the Turkey is the essential focus point of Thanksgiving, but your followers do not care to see your perfectly stuffed bird pic-stitched from every angle. Everyone has a Turkey. Just don’t do it.


Instagram DO: Your family. (Pets included)

After all, your Instagram is a representation of your life, and thanksgiving is all about la famiglia. Snap some cute pics with your Dad watching football together, or your dog staring up at you for a morsel of the Thanksgiving feast. When you stalk back through your own account, you will be glad you captured a great memory.

Instagram DON’T: Videos that will come back to haunt you.

Whether it’s your first time heading to a bar for Thanksgiving Eve festivities or you end up getting a little goofy with your cousins after a long day of eating and drinking- do not videogram it. A cute pic of your seasonal cocktail of choice at the bar is ok, but definitely not a video of you and your high school friends’ twerking. Live in the moment- and don’t upload it later. 

Don’t pull a Miley!

Happy Thanksgiving HC Xo,



Hello Collegiettes! My name is Kate Gentile and I am a current junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite things include my dog Lilly, traveling and really arsty instagrams. Oh, and I am obsessed with Kate Middleton AND Beyonce.I am a Comm major and double minor in Advertising, PR, and Entertainment Marketing. During my time at SJU, I have interned at Philly Mag, became a sister of Alpha Phi and studied abroad last semester in Roma, Italy.After studying abroad, I now want to see many places all over the world and live for moments of beautiful unplanned enjoyment- random road trips to the beach, stopping for a drink at a cool dive bar- you name it, I am down to experience!HC SJU is an amazing team of 40+ girls (and growing) who want to offer you content of news, love, college and more. I hope you enjoy the HC SJU site and my own writing!HC XO,Kate