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Guy Talk – What They’re Really Thinking: Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Valentine’s Day has snuck up on us once again.  You might have a romantic date with your boyfriend, a “GNO” with your best friends, a causal night with the boy you’ve been seeing… But, no matter what your plans are Her Campus SJU was curious to ask the guys their opinions about this Hallmark holiday.


Here is Her Campus SJU’s Guys Talk: Valentine’s Day edition


Her Campus: Do you have to get your girlfriend a Valentine’s Day present?

Guy One:  “I’ve only been dating my girlfriend for about two months so I think I’m just going to go with flowers. Do girls like flowers?”  (Answer to that: Yes)

Guy Two:  “I don’t think it’s necessary to give a present– but I would say at least take her out to a nice dinner or something like that”

Guy Three: “Well considering I don’t have a girlfriend I won’t be buying presents this year… but if I did I guess it would just depend. If she is really into the holiday then yea I would but if she doesn’t care then I wouldn’t. “

Her Campus: Do you celebrate even if you are just “hooking up” with a girl?

Guy One: “No. If you aren’t dating her then I don’t think you have to celebrate.”

Guy Two: “I guess it depends.  If I’ve been hooking up with the girl for a while then I probably would because I feel like she would get mad if we didn’t do anything.  But if it’s just a causal hook up thing then I would say no.”

Guy Three: “Definitely not.  If I wanted to have to do all that stuff then I would be dating her.”

Her Campus: What do you think a girl’s perfect Valentines Day date would be?

Guy One: “Probably a nice dinner in Center City. And since you said that girls like flowers I’d buy her some”

Guy Two: “Anything as long as we watch the Notebook together… Or the Titanic.  Girls love those movies”

Guy Three: “Getting dressed up and going somewhere nice.”


Her Campus: What’s your general opinion about this holiday?

Guy One: “It’s for sure a Hallmark holiday.”

Guy Two: “I don’t really know, I can see why girls think it’s important but personally I kinda think it’s pointless”

Guy Three: “It was just made up to give couples an excuse to have a nice date night.  So in that sense I guess it worked.”


So there you have it girls.  No matter what you’re doing on Friday I hope you have a great Valentines Day!

Clare is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus SJU.  She joined the team in August of 2014 as a contributing writer and later was elected to be the chapter's first secretary.  She is a Chicago native who is currently a junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia.  At SJU she is a Communication Studies major, Advertising and Promotions minor, and is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. This upcoming summer, Clare will be interning at BHLDN, an URBN company.