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Guy Talk Volume I: What They’re Really Thinking about Boots

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

As winter is quickly approaching we asked some of the SJU males what they think about the style we all see and love on campus: boots.  Personally, one of my favorite accessories for these two seasons is a cute pair of boots.  Jessica Simpson once sang, “These Boots Are Made For Walking” but I think we can all agree that these days, boots are made for so much more than walking! So, what do guys think about the universal concept of “boots” our SJU female population loves? We are keeping the males anonymous but the point is stil very clear. Here it goes: 


What do you guys think of riding boots?

Guy 1: Classy and sexy.

Guy 2: Depends on the situation… like if you’re wearing them at an outdoor concert, sure. But not when you go out.

Guy 3: I like them but they are a bit over done.

Guy 4: They’re nice, not to go out in but around campus or during the day I like them.


How about combat boots?

Guy 1: Eh, not so much… but it works for that different type of girl.

Guy 2: Not my thing.

Guy 3: Yes, but depending on the outfit.

Guy 4: No, just no.



How do you feel about UGGs?

Guy 1: UGGs are good… nothing special.

Guy 2: Just the classic UGGs, leggings and sweater look gets me every time.

Guy 3: Every single girl has them so they aren’t anything special.


Okay last but not least, knee high boots?

Guy 1: Hot.

Guy 2: Umm that depends… They are hot with leggings.

Guy 3: Too much!



So there you have it ladies… What a few guys on Hawk Hill are actually thinking about your boots. No question, we will still rock all these styles either way.  No matter what boot you go with, wear it proudly!

Clare is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus SJU.  She joined the team in August of 2014 as a contributing writer and later was elected to be the chapter's first secretary.  She is a Chicago native who is currently a junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia.  At SJU she is a Communication Studies major, Advertising and Promotions minor, and is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. This upcoming summer, Clare will be interning at BHLDN, an URBN company.