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Foodie Guide to a Successful Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Whether you like it or not, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. What better way to spend the day then enjoying delicious food with the ones you love? Whether it’s your significant other, or your very best girlfriends, make your way to these fun and festive restaurants for a Valentine’s Day in the city that you won’t forget!


Enjoy a romantic, “heartfelt” dinner at SliCe Pizza in Rittenhouse Square for heart-shaped pizza! All day Saturday, SliCe will be offering heart-shaped pizza of any variety for dine-in, or take-out/delivery to your special someone. 

Learn More: https://www.facebook.com/slicepa?ref=br_tf


Next, satisfy your sweet tooth at Max Brenner! Max Brenner’s offers and inventive menu of eclectic chocolate creations, such as their thick and creamy hot chocolate, fondue, cookies, cakes, and more!

Learn More: http://maxbrenner.com/


If you’re not quite ready for the fun to end, head to brunch at Supper on South Street on Sunday morning. From 10am to 3pm, customers wearing their PJ’s get a free mimosa or donut. Yes you heard that correctly, FREE! What could be better than a free mimosa or donut in your pajamas?


Learn More: http://supperphilly.com/default.asp


Wishing you a Valentine’s Day filled with happiness, love, and lots and lots of food.