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Food Recipe Video Comes to Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Tasty! and Buzzfeed food videos are all over Facebook these days.  One snowy Monday night my friends and I—Cecelia Rubertone ’18 and Larissa Dee ’18—decided to make Banana Cinnamon Cake in a mug.  The best part about the recipe, it cooks in one minute in the microwave! Here is a link to the original recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4sObSKd3yU (fast forward to the third recipe).

Here is all the ingredients needed (Canola oil and banana not pictured).

First, we mashed up half a banana in a large mug

Next we added the milk, baking powder, and salt. 

After that we added the brown sugar, vanilla, flour, and cinnamon.  All of the ingredients go right in the mug! Next, we added the Canola oil and mixed all the ingredients together with a fork. 

Once all the ingredients are mixed together the mug goes right in the microwave! The video said one minute, but we found that 90 seconds was better.

…and now for the finished product!

This recipe was super easy to make and it tasted amazing! We thought it needed a sugary aspect on top, so we added powdered sugar after we took our first few bites.  Other things to add on top could be whipped cream or an icing glaze! If you’re looking for an easy recipe to get rid of that cake craving be sure to try this one!


Kellie Barnes