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FDA Bans Trans Fats: Strides Toward Healthier Living

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

America is on the verge of becoming a healthier country due to the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) ban placed on trans fats. Over the past decade restaurants and grocery stores have been slowly filtering them out, but the newly enforced plan will complete the process.

The time of completion for the ban is still undetermined, however, the FDA claims that after two months they will receive an update from local officials on the estimated time frame. It will slowly be implemented in all stores, restaurants, and dining halls.

The affects of the ban are expected to cause tremendous strides in the overall health of the nation. According to the FDA, an additional 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths caused by heart disease each year could be prevented by the dismissal of trans fats. The consumption of trans fats is heavily correlated with the coronary heart disease and obesity throughout the country; therefore the FDA is addressing a life-changing issue for every American.

How will this ban affect our every day lives? Trans fats are found in many common foods such as oils in crackers, popcorn, baked goods, refrigerated dough products, etc. Most people eat these foods daily and will now be forced to turn towards healthier meal or snack options as a result. As the ban on trans fats is implemented consistently, we can hope to see healthier food options in the dining hall and restaurants, as well as a decrease in the number of people affected annually by heart disease.

For more information on foods in your daily diet that will soon be banned check out:
