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End of the Semester Survival Tips & Tricks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

If you can believe it, our last week of classes for the semester is already upon us here on Hawk Hill. That means it’s almost finals time- which means crunch time collegiates! Weather you’re trying to save that one grade in your Stat class, or seeking out the perfect spot to study for finals, read on to find out some tips and tricks of the trade to put you on top as our school year comes to a close.


1. Show You Care: Even if you have skipped your theology class every other week, now is the time to show up. Go to class, and get in your last minute participating. Ask if there are any last minute opportunities for extra credit- it can’t hurt!

2. Know Your Grades: Make sure you have every assignment back before you take finals so you can study from them. Calculate your grades so you know exactly what you need to get on the final to motivate yourself! Make sure you have no missing assignments and double check with your teachers to make sure the grades you have are what they have recorded.

3. Don’t Blow the Final Off: Seriously, study! It’s proven to be more effective if you study for a little bit each night as opposed to cramming it all in the night before the exam. Don’t procrastinate and make sure you allow plenty of time to study so if you need anything clarified you can ask ahead of time. Studying for an hour per day makes it more manageable and breaking it up makes the material easier to understand.

4. Give Yourself Study Breaks: We can’t study for hours on end- once you have written three pages of that paper, studied a chapter for a test, or done a homework assignment take a break and reward yourself with your favorite guilty pleasure, or a snack break with friends (and then get back at it!) 

5. Team Up: Personally, I don’t like to study alone. You can learn so much more and see things through a different perspective if you study with a group! Maybe they can explain a topic to you in a way that your textbook simply can’t. Broaden your horizons and get a group together in a study room in the library. (PS make sure to reserve it early!)

6. Focus: Find a spot on campus where you know you can go to get work done. Weather it be at Starbucks, the third floor of the library, the perch or in your own bedroom, find the spot that you’re post productive in and get going. 

7. Use Your Time Wisely: In these last two weeks, make sure your budget enough time for everything- upcoming assignments, studying, office hours and getting a good night’s sleep!

Happy Studying & Good Luck to all!