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Ellen Page: Making a Difference in the LGBT Community

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.
We all know that the Juno star has faced adversity on screen, but what about in real life? On Valentine’s Day, Page gave an emotional speech at Time to THRIVE, a conference that promotes the LGBT youth community. She announced that she is gay. 
“I’m here today because I am gay,” Page said on Friday.  “And because maybe I can make a difference to help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility.”
Page, who is 26 years old, said she was afraid to come out before. Her celebrity status couldn’t make this announcement any easier for her, so to Ellen Page we say “You go girl!” For years we’ve seen celebrities come out, but it does not lessen the amount of bravery needed. As an actress, Page can portray any character she sets out to be, but now she is taking on the truest and most realistic character there is: herself. 
After her announcement, she received an overwhelming amount of support on social media, especially from the following on Twitter:
“Yay @EllenPage Yay @EllenPage Yay #brave”
“Mad mad mad crazy  love and praise for @EllenPage today. Congrats to you, you light, talent, and beauty.”
I implore you to take a few minutes out of your day, or take a quick study break, and watch this truly inspiring and emotional speech by Ellen:
Kiera is a junior at Saint Joseph's University studying Communications. She hopes to be a wedding planner one day but currently enjoys traveling, crafts, and reading fashion magazines on the beach. She loves getting involved on campus and within her sorority, Alpha Phi.