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Celebrate Yourself this Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Ahhhhh, February 14th. You either love it or you have a strong disliking for it. I don’t know about you, but I was bombarded by a display of chocolates, teddy bears, and candy hearts when making my way down City Ave to Target this week with my roomie. Love is something beautiful, so why do we get ourselves down about this day established to celebrate love? Valentine’s day is about LOVE. This includes all types of love, including platonic love. This day is made to celebrate the important people and things in your life. Don’t get yourself down about not being able to post that cute photo of you and bae on a romantic date this Sunday, because here I will explain a few things that can be on your V-day agenda instead! Use this day to celebrate yourself and everything that makes you the person that people love.


The best way to start any day is to do something good for yourself. On Valentine’s Day try doing a fun workout routine and enjoying a refreshing smoothie afterwards. This could include yoga, zumba, or just a little run on the treadmill. (Can I get a Kayla Workout??) This will leave you feeling re-energized and ready for a great day!

(Huge thank you to SJU’s favorite Kayla workout group!) 

Luckily for you, three movies with much anticipation are being released this Valentine’s weekend: How to be Single, Providence, and Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong. But the real question is if any of them will be as successful as 50 Shades of Grey was when it was released on Valentine’s Day last year?? You tell us! Treat yo’ self to a bucket of popcorn and an icee and sit back and relax in the theater with some good friends.

Stop by Dunkin’ Donuts to pick up a heart shaped donut or two! I’m sure that you have seen these advertised over the past month. While we all anxiously wait for the heart-shaped donut with cream filling and strawberry frosting, Dunkin’ released new flavors this season! Make sure that you try the cookie dough and brownie batter fillings with chocolate frosting and heart sprinkles. I know that I’ll be grabbing one with my iced coffee on Sunday.

(Thank you, Lauren Busico ’18 for the photo!) 

Are you 21? Then I’ve got the perfect spot for you! Just a 20-minute Uber away from SJU in Fishtown is the legendary karaoke night at The Barbary. While this might not be considered your typical college bar, its indie/dive bar setting with spinning disco ball and stage is always jumping on Sunday nights. People in their 20s arrive to sing their hearts out before starting the school or work week again. The songs played range from “A Thousand Miles” to “Teenagers.” No matter what your music taste is, if you want to sing until the late hours of the night, this is the bar for you. (There is also a McDonald’s up the road, so maybe direct your Uber driver to the drive-thru window for some late night V-day snacking.)

If after reading this you still need that extra boost to having a successful Valentine’s Day, just remember that only 24 hours after this day that entire aisle in Target will be half priced! But seriously, try to keep an open mind on Sunday. This day is about celebrating love, so embrace it and just as Justin Bieber would say, “Love Yourself.”


Faith (: