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Campus Cutie: Thomas “Tilly” Santilli

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

I had the gracious opportunity to interview Thomas Santilli for my Campus Cutie!

Name: Thomas Santilli (Tilly)

Year: Sophomore

Major: Family Business and Entrepreneurship

Hometown: Trumbull, CT

Relationship Status: Single

HC: What are you involved with on campus?

TS: Mens Soccer Team and CEO My Campus Delivery

*My Campus Delivery is finishing up its first year. Basically wherever you are on campus, like in your dorm, Mandeville or the library, you can place an order of food from your favorite neighboring restaurant and Tilly will deliver your food to you.*


Tilly was recently honored the “Sophmore Entrepreneur of the Year” award from the Management depratment of SJU!


HC: How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

TS: Ridiculous, Adventurous, and Savage.


HC: What is one thing you can’t live without?

TS: My brother Joe because he is a more ridiculous version of me.

HC: What has been your favorite SJU memory?

TS: Road tripping on reading day during the fall semester to The Jerry Springer Show in Stanford, CT and stealing Kobe Bryant’s soda can when he visited Larry’s.


HC: Where can you usually be found on campus?

TS: Definitely not Club Lib…Either Sweeney Field grinding or various buildings delivering food.

HC: What is the first thing you notice about a girl?

TS: Eyes

HC: Celeb Crush?

TS: Jennifer Aniston

HC: What is you Ideal date?

TS: Candlelit dinner on a floating dock in the center of a private lake guided by an authentic Italian gondolier


HC: What is your favorite food?

TS: Dulce de Leche Ice Cream from Campion

HC: What is your dream Job?

TS: Running my own business in Philadelphia with my family

HC: What is something no one knows about you?

TS: When I was 6 years old, I was nationally ranked in racquetball for my age group. My career had to dramatically be postponed because one Sunday I went to my racquetball club, and it was a pile of rocks. They tore down the building and did not tell any of their members. At the time, all other gyms required members to be 14 due to insurance reasons, and I was only 10 years old at the time. I was devastated.

HC: Craziest thing you have ever done?

TS: Activities ranging from adopting a pet chicken that had less than a day to live to having an inflatable kiddie pool in Lannon

HC: If you could travel to one place where would it be and why?

TS: Australia.., strictly for the wild life

Be sure to check out Tilly’s business when we get back to campus in the fall!

