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Campus Cutie: Soccer Star Drew D’Ottavi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.


Name: Drew D’Ottavi
Hometown: Ocean City, NJ
Major: Food Marketing
Year: Senior- Fifth Year
Relationship Status: Single


When he is not saving goals on the soccer field, this guy is known to be kind-hearted and hardworking. Meet this week’s campus cutie, Drew D’Ottavi!

HC: Why did you decide to attend Saint Joseph’s University?

Drew:  I knew Saint Joes’ was close to home and had a great business school where I would be able to play soccer. I am a food marketing major so it seemed like the best fit for me. 

HC: How long have you been playing soccer?

Drew: I had started playing in kindergarten when I was about six years old. When I came to college, I knew it was something I wanted to do so I walked on the team and made it.

HC: What is your favorite college memory?

Drew: Shooting the boot…

HC: What is one thing you would want to do before you graduate in December?

Drew: Make A-10’s! It’s as simple as that.

HC: Describe yourself in one word.

Drew: Fresh!

HC: Favorite Movie?

Drew: Lucky Number Slevin.

HC: Celebrity Crush?

Drew: Jennifer Aniston.

HC: What is your biggest pet peeve/turn off in a girl?

Drew: A bad laugh.

HC: What is one piece of advice you would like to give a fellow hawk?

Drew:  Keep an open mind!