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Campus Cutie: Mackenzie Rule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you too…

Mackenzie Rule, a freshman walk-on for the Women’s Basketball team.



Hometown: West Chester, PA

Class: Freshman

Major: Double Majoring in Finance and Marketing

Dorm: McShain

Nickname: Kenz. Her coach attempted to get “Mack” started, but she prefers Kenz!

Favorite Campus Spot: Hagan, we should have guessed!

Favorite Class: Global Health Care, her freshman year seminar

Favorite Study Spot: Study hall or her dorm

Favorite Thing About SJU: “Just the people here, everyone is so normal!”

Favorite Place to Shop: Urban Outfitters

Favorite Food: Chipotle

Burrito or Bowl: “Bowl! You get the most out of it!”

Interesting Facts: Favorite color is green, has two dogs that she absolutely loves!




Mackenzie has been playing basketball since the age of 5 and spent her high school career playing for Cardinal O’Hara. Coming to SJU was an exciting moment for her and the family atmosphere of SJU eased her transition. (Not to mention, she loves that she is not far from home!) Even though Mackenzie is only a first semester freshman she has already found the balance in her life to juggle schoolwork, a social life, and the basketball team. Talking with Mackenzie we asked about her personal academic goals. She answered that she hopes to get all A’s and of course, graduate.  In terms of her goals within basketball, Mackenzie is motivated to work hard her four years on campus and to help bring the team to the championships. The way Mackenzie speaks about her team and displays her passion for basketball, there is no doubt she can accomplish this goal.

Of course we had to ask the final question…

HC: How does it feel to be a campus cutie?

M: “I’m honored!” She said and giggled. 

There you have it, Mackenzie Rule! Be sure to keep your eye on this campus cutie, she is sure to be a standout her entire career.  

Hello HerCampus! I'm Carolyn Mullen, senior Communications major at Saint Joseph's University. As a member of HerCampus SJU I contribute to the style blog and am excited to share with all of you the fashion of our campus!