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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Ladies, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to this week’s campus cutie Dan Soucy. Don’t let the fact that he is a freshmen fool you – Dan is a double major in Political Science and Environmental Science and is super involved on campus. I first met Dan over Spring Break when we went on APEX together, and was immediately taken by his outgoing personality and funny sense of humor. Take a look and get to know this New England gent!

Name: Dan Soucy

Year: Freshman

Hometown: Bedford, NH

Involvement: GreenFund, Phi Sigma Pi, Hawk Host (in training), PSIP leader, APEX, Service Learning

Three words to describe yourself: outdoorsy, optimistic, and perpetually flustered


HC: Can you believe you are almost finished your freshman year? What has been your favorite thing about SJU?


DS: The community! I love walking around campus and seeing everyone and all of the enthusiasm that everyone has.


HC: What is one piece of advice you would give to incoming freshmen?


DS: Get involved! It’s the #1 way you will meet people at SJU, learn about yourself, and become part of the SJU community.


HC: So I know you are a veggie lover….what made you want to become a vegetarian?


DS: I used to just give up meat during the summer when I was training for tennis because I felt like it gave me more energy. I started eating vegetarian full time when I came to college because I believe it is more sustainable and didn’t want to support the meat industry anymore.


HC: Do you have any summer plans?


DS: Yes, I’m driving across the country, to California, with my sister and two friends from home. I will be driving from New Hampshire to Michigan and eventually to Portland, Oregon. Then I am driving down the coast of California to the major cities and looping back up through the Grand Canyon and Colorado! Once I get back home I will be working at a day camp and coaching tennis until I am back at SJU.


So next time you see Dan around campus, make sure to say hello!