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Campus Celebrity: Tony Newton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.


If you’ve ever walked into Wolfington Hall, you’ve probably bumped into this week’s campus celebrity: Tony Newton. This celeb has made a name for himself on campus throughout various service organizations, and is known for his calm demeanor and warm smile. When I asked Tony if I could feature him as our CC, he responded with “Wait really? Me?” This humble response gives some insight into the kind, fabulous person that Tony really is. I was able to sit down with Tony and discuss his time here at SJU.

Name: Tony Newton

Major: Risk Management and Insurance

Minor: Ancient Studies

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Fun Facts: Tony tap-danced for several years as a child, and has a “burning passion” for bacon.

Favorite Spot on Campus: The Wolfington Kitchen (so much free food)

Currently, Tony is involved in:

·      Phi Sigma Pi – Social Chair

·      Hawk Hosts

·      Faith-Justice Institute – Placement Liaison

·      Winter Immersion Program – El Paso, TX Team Leader


Why did you decide to attend SJU?

I didn’t really want to go to SJU to begin with. Not anything against it in particular, but I wanted to get away from home and go out of state. When I visited SJU, it was unlike any college I had visited before. It was a place that I could see myself calling home, and looking back on it, I wouldn’t and couldn’t think of anywhere else I could have gone.


What has made a significant impact on your time here at SJU?

Definitely my role as a Placement Liaison. It has been a constant since the beginning of my sophomore year. In my role I have been able to grow professionally with my interactions with the supervisors in charge of the different community partners. I have learned so much in conversations with co-workers, staff meeting and chatting with my boss who is the smartest person I know. I have gained a sense of where I want to go after SJU and what I want to do in life.


What has been your favorite moment so far at SJU?

I was waking up on an early Friday morning during PSIP. I woke up and rushed out of the door just as the sun was starting to peak over City Ave. I ran across the McShain bridge and got into a car as we drove away to Belmont Plateau. The collection of PSIP leaders gathered together sat in anticipation for the sun to fully come up. It was a great moment because I love watching the sunrise. The icing on the cake was that it was also my birthday. I don’t like a lot of special attention or anything, so it was a very subtle way to enjoy it.


What advice would you give to the current freshmen at SJU?

Be yourself, and be a nice person. Being mean will get you nowhere, I think. Even if you don’t like someone, kill them with kindness. Its okay to be awkward, I am the most awkward person that I know and if I can make it to be a Her Campus Celeb, you can achieve wonders.