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Campus Celebrity: Stephanie Peppe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my amazing teammates Stephanie Peppe! 

Name: Steph Peppe

Hometown: Bridgewater, NJ

Year: Senior

Major: Criminal Justice

HC: What are you involved in on campus?

Steph: Cheerleading, The Big Brother Big Sister Program, RA in the Townhouses, Eucharistic Minister and Lector, and I participate in Down To Pray once a week.


HC: Favorite place to study?

Steph: My room


HC: Favorite thing to order in DB?

Steph: Hawk Wrap 

HC: Favorite class?

Steph: Psych 101 was the most interesting. I also liked Philosophy of Mental Illness.


HC: Starbucks or Dunkin?

Steph: They’re equal.


HC: What is your favorite SJU memory?

Steph: Going to Greece for a summer study tour. 


HC: What is your biggest personal accomplishment?

Steph: My biggest accomplishment will be finishing my thesis-but I’m not done yet.


HC: Top Item on your bucket list?

Steph: Travel the world.

HC: What are your plans for after graduation?

Steph: Ideally, get a job that I like.


HC: Any advice for underclassmen?

Steph: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and join as many organizations as possible to meet as many people as possible because the people who you meet in college will make or break your experience. 

Thanks to Steph for being this week’s campus celebrity, make sure you say hi to her if you see her around campus!

