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Campus Celebrity: Mariam El- Maghrabi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Campus Celebrity: Mariam El-Maghrabi

We all know how it works.

College has a pyramid of hierarchy, with the senior class always being on top, and rightfully so. Seniors rule the school, because they have worked and played hard for almost four long years, and are proud of it. To celebrate the class of 2014, I chose one of their finest as this week’s Campus Celeb. Surprisingly though, you won’t find her on Hawk Hill till second semester, because she’s studying abroad in Rome. Yep, Mariam El- Maghrabi is a senior and doing what HC readers do best, going for what she wants no matter what the circumstances are.

Mariam is the girl that often leaves me asking myself, “How does she do that?” Greek and Egpytian, Mariam is the perfect concoction of wit, intellect, and charm. Mariam not only Face Times with a gazillion friends back at SJU, but also has a jam packed social schedule due to all her recently found friendships with everyone at AUR. Everyone wants to be Mariam’s friend, because she’s that fun to be around.

When I boarded the plane to Italy, I was a crying mess. But by the time I found my seat, Miss El-Maghrabi had me hysterically laughing, and that was the very first time we met. Keep reading if you want to know about the SJU girl who pulls you in quicker than you can say oopa.

                                                      Mariam in a nutshell: Beautiful and full of life!

K- It’s your senior year and you are studying abroad while the rest of your class is enjoying their final year at Hawk Hill. What was your reasoning behind your unique choice of change? Do you feel it’s worth it?

M- I’ll be the first to admit that my time in Rome is very unorthodox! Why would I forgo a semester on the top of the totem pole for one on the bottom? Despite the fact I felt as though I was a freshman the first week, I am more than content with my decision. I’ve always been one to embrace my culture as well as one to completely immerse myself in another; thus I know even before I applied to SJU that studying abroad was not a desire, but more a necessity. Junior year, I wasn’t quite ready to commence my travels. Not to say that I was nervous to go beyond my comfort zone, but rather I wanted to go light years away from it. I wanted an experience that was unlike anyone else’s. I didn’t want to go with friends because I thought it was imperative to make friends with students from all walks of life once I got there. In retrospect, it was the best thing I ever did.

K- What do you love most about SJU?

M-I love that SJU is a place I can call home. At SJU I have made friends that I will keep with me forever. To me, moments that only SJU can give are the things I love most, like formals with my sorority sisters, or going to basketball games. 

K- Zodiac  Sign?

M-Pisces! Who are actually compatible with Scorpios, which my celeb crush Ryan Gosling just so happens to be, so yea, I’m happy. 

K- Describe your ideal perfect day.

M-A rainy day snuggled up in the coziest blanket with a cup of mint tea, a huge serving of froyo, and watching foreign films, endless episodes of Anthony Bourdain, and of course, Chapelle Show (preferably season 1).

K- What do you want to be when you grow up (or graduate)?

M-I want to expand my fluency in Arabic beyond getting free food at Larry’s (sorry guys) and study in Cairo for a bit. Then ultimately, apply for grad school overseas, and see what that takes me. Oh, and become famous; I will get there… I don’t know quite yet when, or how, but you will remember me.

K- Advice for SJU readers?

M-Go for what you want. No matter what class year you are, enjoy SJU and your college life to the fullest. As a senior, I can tell you that it goes by quicker than you think. Embrace the opportunities you have and work hard!

Fun Fact: Mariam attracts professional NBA basketball players like moths to a flame. Last week, she ran into Lebron James at the airport in Rome, and he asked her to keep it on the DL that he was, well, him.Therefore, no pic, but I’ll leave you with this one below of Mariam with Kobe Bryant last year at Larrys. Just a day in the life of Mariam

Hello Collegiettes! My name is Kate Gentile and I am a current junior at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My favorite things include my dog Lilly, traveling and really arsty instagrams. Oh, and I am obsessed with Kate Middleton AND Beyonce.I am a Comm major and double minor in Advertising, PR, and Entertainment Marketing. During my time at SJU, I have interned at Philly Mag, became a sister of Alpha Phi and studied abroad last semester in Roma, Italy.After studying abroad, I now want to see many places all over the world and live for moments of beautiful unplanned enjoyment- random road trips to the beach, stopping for a drink at a cool dive bar- you name it, I am down to experience!HC SJU is an amazing team of 40+ girls (and growing) who want to offer you content of news, love, college and more. I hope you enjoy the HC SJU site and my own writing!HC XO,Kate