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Campus Celebrity: Clare Kocman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Clare Kocman. I haven’t met anyone who is more involved in activities going on at Saint Joes or knows as many people as Clare. What I love about Clare is that she also makes time to go on leisurely 6+ mile run each day day, despite her crazy schedule. I’m excited to introduce this smart, blonde, beauty to our Her Campus readers this week.


Hometown: York, Pennsylvania

Year: Sophomore

Major: Risk Management and Insurance


Clare and her big, Caroline Comerford

HC: What are you involved in on campus?

CK: Club field hockey, Gamma Iota Sigma, Alpha Gamma Delta, Hawk Host, Weekly Service, College Republicans Club, and I also have a job in the Food-Marketing department.

HC: Most embarrassing story of freshman year?

CK: Last year I had a full plate of food and as I was walking to a table I somehow slipped and did a split in Campion. My food went flying and it got really quiet. I was also alone.

HC: Speaking of food, if you had one last meal what would it be?

CK: Sitting with my family, picking crabs.

HC: What is one thing on your bucket list?

CK: Definitely to run a marathon. I’ve already participated in four half marathons.


Clare and her roommmate, Julia Jenkins, after completing a half-marathon together

HC: Three last things on your credit card statement?

CK: My date party dress, Halloween accessories, and a cab ride home from Manayunk.

HC: What’s on your nightstand right now?

CK: A boom box, my AGD letters, a picture frame with my sisters and I, and a sign that says, “Happiest girls are the prettiest girls.”


Clare and her sisters

HC: What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

CK: “Break big things into little things.”

HC: Who told you that?

CK: My roommate, Julia Jenkins.


Clare and Julia




Rebecca Sliwak is the current Editor-In-Chief for Her Campus at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. She is studying Communications and Marketing as a senior, is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, studied abroad in Madrid, and has been on the Her Campus SJU team since sophomore year.