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Campus Celebrities: Giovanna and Sophia Gallardo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

One of my favorite things I do on Hawk Hill is my work-study job in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. I get the amazing opportunity to meet students from all over the world. One day last semester I remember two girls from California coming and the contagious smiles on their faces as people continued to ask them questions about how they felt on campus. Those smiles must have been real because now the twins are here at SJU and loving every minute of it.

I got the wonderful opportunity to meet with Giovanna and Sophia Gallardo, Class of ’18, in the PLC. Giovanna and Sophia are from the beautiful city of San Diego, California. Giovanna is an Interdisciplinary Health Services major while Sophia is studying Psychology. Here’s the low-down on these twins from the Golden State.


HC: Since arriving on campus, what have you two gotten involved in?

G: Well, we’re both in the group D2P, Down to Pray.

S: We also both have work-study jobs on campus.

HC: Why SJU?

G: We first found out about Saint Joe’s at a Jesuit college fair. There we met Sue Chen and decided to apply and then visit.

S: We also really loved the environment and passion we felt on campus.

HC: Best thing so far at Saint Joe’s?

G: It’s been really great to be able to incorporate religion with everyday life here. Also, going to church on Sundays is awesome!

S: We both participated in the AIM program and were able to see the great resources on campus like the writing center and tutoring.

HC: What are you most looking forward to here?

G & S: We’re looking forward to getting involved more in service. We both signed up for APEX so we’re really excited about that!

HC: What do you miss the most about California?

G: We definitely miss the weather and our family.

S: … and the Mexican food!

HC: What is your go-to Campion food?

G: Cookies!

S: Pasta!

HC: I love the pasta but there’s always such a long wait! Switching topics, who is your fashion icon?

G & S: Kourtney Kardashian!

HC: Favorite show you have binge watched on Netflix?

G & S: Gossip Girl!!!!

HC: Favorite class so far?

G: My IHS class with Dr. Mitchell!

S: Theology 154 with Professor Gianella!

HC: What is your Starbucks order?

G: Caramel Frappuccino!

S: Mocha Frappuccino!

HC: I love a mocha Frappuccino! What is your biggest pet peeve?

S: *instantly* Chewing with your mouth open!

G: hmmm… chomping on gum!

I had a fabulous time meeting these two Cali girls! You can catch them around campus or in Villiger where they both live on the same floor. Welcome to Hawk Hill girls!

