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Campus Celeb: Rodney

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

This past week, I had the opportunity to sit down with Ashwood’s favorite desk attendant, Rodney! Rodney is not only one of Saint Joseph’s biggest celebs, but he is also known as one of the most personable, energetic desk attendants on Hawk Hill. Rodney makes it a point to greet everyone who walks through the door with a smile on his face and a large bowl of candy on his desk. His positivity radiates throughout Ashwood and makes students feel at home. Read a little more about Rodney and be sure to visit him in Ashwood!  



HC: When’s your birthday?

R: 11/23 – born on Thanksgiving! That’s why they call it that.


HC: Where are you from?

R: I was born in Brooklyn, and I came to Philly as a child.


HC: How long have you been a desk attendant at SJU?

R: 3 years


HC: What is your favorite part about your job?

R: I love interacting with the students. Sophomores are my favorite!


In the middle of the interview, Rodney excitedly interrupts me. “Wait look at this picture! I look just like Ben Carson!”




I have to admit Rodney and Ben Carson could be twins!

HC: What’s your favorite food?

R: Either Mexican or Italian! I can’t decide. But you know what? I make the best chicken enchiladas! Nobody makes them better than me. You might as well just call me Juan!


HC: What’s your favorite candy?

R: Honestly, I am not really a candy eater! Shocking right?

Rodney always has a full bowl of candy at his desk when he’s working for all the students to have!


HC: What’s your favorite holiday?

R: Christmas because I think everyone is friendlier then.


HC: What is your best trait?

R: I’m very personable! That’s why people like me! Laughs.


HC: What’s the best advice you would give students?

R: Enjoy college! Have fun in college! Don’t be crazy in college!


HC: What are some things on your bucket list?

R: To fly to Europe with no luggage, shop my way through Europe, and end up in Australia!


HC: What’s the most interesting thing you have ever done?

R: As a young adult I traveled to Europe with the Philadelphia Boys Choir to Vienna, Amsterdam, and Yugoslavia.


HC: Who is your biggest role model?

R: My uncle who was a railroad conductor. He traveled a lot and gave good advice!


HC: If you were a hawk, where would you fly?

R: I would probably fly to the Caribbean! I love the island, the sand, and the clear water! I would probably fly to Aruba. That’s a long flight as a hawk. Perhaps I would piggy back on a plane or something!


Next time you’re near Ashwood, don’t hesitate to stop in and say hi to this campus celeb, Rodney!


