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Campus Celeb: Malia Reynolds

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

  I had the pleasure of sitting down with junior Malia Reynolds after our communications class and got to know a little bit about her. This week’s campus celeb is down to earth, sweet, and goes on some crazy adventures! She’s involved in weekly service and many other campus activities. Getting to know her was a sure pleasure.



The Basics: 

Hometown: Short Hills, NJ

Major: Communications Major, Marketing minor


‘Celeb’ Activities at SJU: Hawk Host, Community Service at the Simpson House, APEX


What is your most embarrassing moment here at SJU?

I was serenaded once at a party, and I was really caught off guard – it was a One Direction song called “Little Things.” I didn’t really know what to do with myself! I took it with gusto; I’d like to think.


What did you do for your 21st birthday?

I was lucky enough to go to Italy. I went to Florence and Rome to visit some of my girlfriends abroad and they were nice enough to show me around the two cities. One recommendation for going there would be to eat as many gelatos as you can… I ate 3 in one day. It was magnificent.



Fun fact?

My sister has a friend who owns a really successful taco truck. It’s called Peace, Love, and Tacos – you should check it out! It’s become so successful that they’re traveling to the most popular festivals and concerts around the country. That’s what I’m planning on doing this summer, hopefully with my sister. I’m a big eater and I’m just interested in how a food truck functions.


Speaking of dates, what are your plans for Valentine’s day?

Saturday, my gal pals and I are going to see “Fifty Shades of Grey,” and then I don’t know, we’ll see! Maybe a nice dinner?


What is something that makes you really happy?

Music makes me really happy. I am an old soul, so I listen to a lot of the classics. I like everything from Elvis to Beck. 



How would you explain your life philosophy?

I tend to overthink, so I try to think less and kind of take it as it comes. Just being more simplistic. I laugh a lot so that’s not a problem. I’m a goofball.


 What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

I got on a flight to visit a friend across the country without telling my parents about a month ago! I went to visit a friend in Colorado. I eventually told my parents and they were totally cool with it, but yup, I was a little sneaky. It was worth it – it was so much fun. I got to meet the coolest people and go skiing with some pretty neat people who were good at skiing.


Malia is a true original girl at SJU. You can find her in Merion hall for her Communications classes, or hanging around Manayunk on the weekends. Thanks Malia for that fun interview!




Alli Murray

Hi! My name is Alli Murray and I am a sophomore communications major at Saint Joe's University. I am passionate about leading a healthy life, which means eating clean and workin' on my fitness! My goal is to inspire girls to do the same and help kickstart their fitness journey.