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Campus Celeb Kerry Dawson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

When we think of senior year here at Hawk Hill, it’s hard to picture that we’ll ever have to leave this amazing place we’ve called home for four years. We have dreams outside of the classroom, but one I think we all have in common is to be successful and well-liked on campus.  Luckily for Kerry Dawson ’14, that dream isn’t outside of her reach. President of Alpha Phi and social butterfly alike, it’s impossible to have anything but a smile on your face when Kerry walks in the room. I was lucky enough to talk to Kerry about her time on campus so far, and the amazing last semester she has to look forward to.



Her Campus: What’s something you’ll look back on at SJU and be proud of?

Kerry: I will look back on SJU and be proud of the young woman I became in my four years here! SJU offered me so many leadership opportunities and prepared me so well for the real world! The leadership opportunities at SJU are endless and I encourage every SJU student to pursue one!


HC: What do you want to be when you grow up?

KD: Famous!!!! Just kidding. I want to be successful and most of all just happy with where I am and what I’m doing. And I’m really hoping that that will be something in event planning.


HC: What are you dressing up as for Halloween this year, or what is the most creative costume you’ve come up with?

KD: I have changed my mind about a thousand times!!! But I have decided on being one of those trolls with neon hair!!


HC: What’s your favorite way to beat the “mid-semester slump?”

KD: My favorite way to beat the mid semester slump is to remind myself to just enjoy every second of senior year!! This year my friends and I decided to live every day by saying “SYFI” – senior year forget it! We make sure to forget the nonsense and little petty things so that we can enjoy our last year together. And I always go to my Alpha Phi sisters when I’m in a slump and need a break from the school craziness. My sisters are what keep me going!


HC: If you can accomplish anything without failing in your last semester here, what would you do?

KD: My best friends and I developed a Bucket List of things to do by the end of our senior year, and we are definitely getting there but I definitely want us to finish that! And I just want to have fun and go on adventures and enjoy great times with really great friends!!


HC: If you were granted 3 wishes what would you wish for?

KD: 1) To do another 4 years at SJU! 2) For no violence or bad things to happen to anyone ever again! 3) To eat whatever I want and not get  fat.


It was great getting to talk to Kerry. Good luck after graduation, Kerry! 

Kiera is a junior at Saint Joseph's University studying Communications. She hopes to be a wedding planner one day but currently enjoys traveling, crafts, and reading fashion magazines on the beach. She loves getting involved on campus and within her sorority, Alpha Phi.