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Campus Celeb: Brynna Robinson ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

I had the pleasure of meeting Brynna freshman year when we had four classes together, and it’s safe to say she was one of my first friends in college. I got to sit down with her in Starbucks to catch up and talk about how her semester is going!

Name: Brynna Robinson

Year: Sophomore

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Long Island, NY

HC: What are you involved in on campus?

Brynna: Sister of Alpha Gamma Delta, APEX, Collegiate Challenge, American Marketing Association, and Club Lacrosse


HC: Favorite spot on campus?

Brynna: Library-second floor new side in the comfy chairs.

HC: Go to Dunkin order?

Brynna: Iced coffee with skim milk, so plain I know.

HC: Describe yourself in three words?

Brynna: I have overactive tear glands, loud, and funny.

HC: Favorite class?

Brynna: Principles of Marketing

HC: Best SJU experience?

Brynna: APEX! I love APEX, I went this year and last year.  This year I went to Putnam County, TN. It was so much fun, I can’t wait to go back.

HC: Any plans for the summer?

Brynna: Probably lifeguarding again at my local pool and going to the beach whenever I can.

HC: Favorite thing about SJU?

Brynna: I think the community. Everyone is able to say hi on campus and you’re friends with so many different people on campus.

As you can probably tell Brynna is super nice and funny so be sure to say hi to her around campus!

