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Campus Celeb: Brendan Reilly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

This week’s campus celebrity is one of SJU’s top soccer players, Brendan Reilly! Brendan not only has killer blue eyes we all wish we had, but he is majorly talented too. He’s currently a senior playing defense for The Hawks and a wizard on the field, bringin’ the heat with his magic feet! Last year Brendan started seventeen games, assisted the game-winning goal at Bucknell, and was awarded the Defensive Player of the Year award. I think it’s safe to say this guy is on fire, making his team and all of SJU proud! Good luck this year Brendan!


Get to know more about SJU’s soccer star!

Name: Brendan Reilly (clearly!)

Class: Senior

Studying: Accounting

Possible career plans: FBI

Favorite food place: Qdoba

Advice to people on college sports teams: Time Management!

Go to look: None, just like looking good.

Favorite thing about SJU: Going into Manyunk

Favorite place on campus: Sweeney field!

Favorite memory at SJU: Snow day, Freshman year in Sourin!

Best part of playing for soccer for SJU: Representing your school. We get better every year so it’s awesome!

Hobbies: HBO shows (True blood! Boardwalk Empire)

Relationship status: Single

Role model: Ryan Gosling (He’s my dude)

Best friend: Alex Verbaro