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Avoid Stress Eating During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Get ready girls, it’s our favorite time of the year…finals! I’m kidding. If you’re anything like me, you’re scrambling to finish those assignments that were given to you weeks ago. To help cope, you may have started stress eating as a way to procrastinate. As much as I love snacking throughout the day, there’s something I wish I could change about my study eating habits. If you love food but you don’t want to gain five pounds just from finals, here’s a few tips to keep you going and feeling great.


1.     Eat a healthy dinner. This seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how much more likely you are to reach for a family sized bag of candy later at night when you don’t have a good dinner. I prefer something that’s filling and will keep me energized. If you like salmon, it goes great on salads and will boost your mood and keep you studying. Bonus: you won’t be sleepy like you would if you had eaten an entire pizza.

2.     Always keep water on hand! More than likely, you’re not hungry. Have a glass of water and then decide if you want a snack. Water infused with fresh fruit is even better; it gives you energy and tastes great.

3.     Take time to make a snack. If you need something to munch on during the long hours of studying, opt to make it yourself instead of going for something prepackaged. Air-popped popcorn (minus the heaping pad of butter) tastes great, is full of fiber, and you can eat a larger portion. Homemade trail mix with your favorite ingredients is another great choice. Use almonds, peanuts, or another favorite crunchy element, and add something sweet like dried fruit.

Use these tips and you’ll not only see an improvement in your mood, but you won’t feel guilty about snacking either. Stay full and stay confident.




Kiera is a junior at Saint Joseph's University studying Communications. She hopes to be a wedding planner one day but currently enjoys traveling, crafts, and reading fashion magazines on the beach. She loves getting involved on campus and within her sorority, Alpha Phi.