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APEX: Ten Tips Every Newbie Needs to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Spring break is less than a week away and for many of you that means APEX! Last year as a freshman I went on my first Appalachia trip to Robbins, Tennessee. On the days leading up, I was a bundle of nerves. I had no idea what to expect. I only knew a few people in my group and was jealous that many of my friends were getting to go home. On top of that, I had an empty suitcase sitting under my Lafarge bed staring at me. Somehow I was able to get to Robbins and have one of the most rewarding and fun weeks of my life. I’m no expert, but here are a few tips every first time APEX goer needs to know.


1. DO NOT OVERPACK. You do not need a body bag. You’re going to have to carry your sleeping bag, suitcase, pillow, and backpack across campus (and probably halfway across Tennessee as well) so make sure you are able to pick your bags up. You will end up wearing things more than once and no one actually cares what you look like. Your flannel, jeans, and sneakers will be your go to and those 8 different t-shirts will go to waste.



2. BRING SHOWER SHOES & SLIPPERS. Keep your feet clean, self explanatory.


3. BE OPEN. As cliche as it sounds, don’t set expectations for the week. Go with the flow and don’t think about your friends lying on the beach in Cancun. Sleeping in undesirable conditions isn’t as bad as it seems. Think about all the good that you are doing and be present in the moment.



4. PACK A TRASH BAG. Your clothes will get dirty, smelly, and covered in paint. You’ll be thankful you kept your clean clothes separate.


5. UPDATE YOUR PLAYLISTS. Long car rides = lots of music. Bring your aux cord too!



6. SNACKS. Believe me, you will be fed very well but having a few extra of your favorite granola bars won’t hurt.


7. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT PHONE SERVICE. Honestly, there is a good chance your cell service may be very spotty or nonexistent. Use your time away from the real world to hangout with your group and get to know the locals of your site. Instagram and Facebook will still be there when you get home.



8. SLEEP DOESN’T EXIST. Get lots of sleep this upcoming week. You will experience some very early mornings and be up late every night playing Mafia.


9. BE OPEN TO AN APPALACHIANSHIP. You may fall in love for a week. Don’t worry it’s probably just an APEX high or maybe you will actually get lucky, who knows. (lol)



10. DRINK MOUNTAIN DEW. What better beverage to drink in the mountains? Kidding.


No matter how nervous, anxious, or excited you are feeling right now, APEX is all about what you make of it. I hope you love it as much as I did.


(Thank you to my Robbin’s family for all of their pics and tips.)


