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The 8 Steps of Registration As Told By Spongebob

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

With registration for spring classes right around the corner, here’s some things you can always look forward to when it’s registration season!

1. Going on The Nest and checking your registration time.

2. Finding out you have the 3 PM pick time.

3. Then you find out you have a hold on your account.

4. You put together your perfect schedule.

5. …Then watch all the classes fill up

6. Finally, it’s your time to register and… OMG you forgot to write down the CRN!

and now the class is full

7. You find out you have to take an 8 AM.

8. You keep telling yourself next semester you’ll be really organized… just like you’ve said for the past 5 semesters.

Don’t worry though Hawks, everything always works out. Don’t be afraid to go to your advisor or the Advising Center if you need some help! 

