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7 Ways to Be Productive on a Sunday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

Laziness, sweatpants, and Netflix always seem to dominate Sundays. After a long weekend, it’s always tempting to stay cuddled up in your bed. Sundays can set the tone for the week. Productivity is the key to take advantage of the official last day of the weekend. Instead of mourning the weekend, check out these tips so you can stay on top of your game all week long!

1. Plan ahead: A good Sunday starts when you plan to take it easy on Saturday night. Have fun, but remember tomorrow is recovery day and the easier you are to your body on Saturday night means the smoother recovery that is ahead of you in the morning. Put down the green tea shot, and hydrate with lots of water before bed. Also, grab a snack, set alarms and get home before 2 am.

2. Detox: Wake up in the morning and make yourself a healthy breakfast instead of hitting the Dunkin’ drive-thru. Not only does this save money, but also you will feel better knowing your omelet isn’t smothered in butter and American cheese.

Clean Your Room: I am a firm believer in “clean space, clean mind.” Knowing where your keys, cards, and riding boots are, will make your weekday mornings less stressful. Light a candle or some incense and enjoy some aromatherapy while you clean. This is also a huge time saver!!!

4. Exercise: Try a yoga, spin class, or even just go to the gym. Get your blood pumping while also clearing your head and breaking a sweat. Working out is also a great time to mentally prepare yourself for all the things you want to get accomplished for the day.

5. Make A List: Writing down your goals for the week can help you think through how and when you will accomplish each task. Tape the list somewhere you can see it in your room and check off when each item is complete. Instant gratification.

6. Put Your Phone In Airplane Mode: Airplane mode lets you use your phone, however; it shuts off service and wifi. Your phone will be less tempting, and you will save a lot of battery power. You can still listen to downloaded music, but you will not find yourself in an insta-hole.

7. Check Your Bank Account: We all hate to see how much we spent the past weekend, but knowing how much money you have to spend will help deter GrubHub and online shopping temptations. Both can become very time consuming and drain your wallet. Financial planning is the way to go so you can have that extra cash for spring break, or whenever the next adventure comes along.

Hope you all get a great start to your week. That is all for now!

