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The 12 Stages of Studying for Midterms (As Told in Gifs)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

1) You realize that you have midterms next week and you’ve been having so much fun not studying…


2) So you try to crack the books and start studying, but you don’t even know where to start.


3) So you drink loads of coffee..


4) And then you inevitably crash.


5) And there’s a 96% chance you will call your mother and tell her you are dropping out of school.


6) But then you re-caffeinate and get your mojo back.

7) You will eventually get distracted and watch TV.


8) And then the delusion kicks in and you will convince yourself that you can learn everything in one day because you’re a boss and nobody can beat you.


9) But after hours of cramming you will most likely become delirious and it might look something like this.


10) And as a result of pulling an all-nighter you’ll definitely walk into class thinking you look way better than you actually do.


11) You know you’re going to look at your notes right up until the second the midterm is passed out.


12) Finally after all the stress it’s over and it’s spring break!


Happy Studying!