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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

If you are anything like me, your have experience your fair share of Netflix binges. Whether it is Gossip Girl, The Office, One Tree Hill, or Friends, you find yourself in the same situation every time you start a new series. 

1. Deciding what show to watch is confusing, overwhelming, and exciting all at the same time. 

2. After you finally decide what show to watch, grab the popcorn and prepare for a night full of Netflix.

3. You can’t help falling asleep in class because you stayed up too late watching Netflix. 

4. Getting out of class on Friday and realizing that you have the entire weekend to watch Netflix.

5. When your friends ask you if you want to hang out on Saturday night, but you’re too invested in your show.

6. Realizing that your are halfway through the series and it’s only been two weeks.

7. When you reach the last season of the show and don’t know if you should keep watching at such a rapid pace because you don’t want it to end.

8. Starting the last episode.

9. At the end of the last episode, you can’t help but cry.

10. Trying to come to terms with the fact that there are no more episodes left.

11. Realizing that Netflix has taken over your life and you need to find something productive to do.

12. Even though your last series put you on an emotional rollercoaster, you decide to start a new show anyway.

Enjoy your Netflix binging!

