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12 Reasons to be Excited for October

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

October is just a few days away and here are a few reasons to be excited! 

1. Pumpkin everything


Pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin picking, pumpkin bread


2. Sweater Weather


Time to break out your favorite cozy sweaters


3. Boots

and dust off your favorite pair of boots!


4. OPI Fall line of nail colors


A Great Opera-tunity or Amore at Grand Central?


5. Flannels

You can never go wrong with a flannel.


6. Fall Decorations

Spice up your suite or dorm room with fake leaves, pumpkins, and wreaths!


7. Apple Cider

But we all know we love drinking Angry Orchid best


8. Halloween

Who says college students are too old to trick or treat?


9. Coordinating the best costumes with your friends


Because who ever has the best costume gets the most candy right?


10. ABC Family’s 13 Nights of Halloween

Why write your paper when you can be watching Halloweentown?


11. Eating Pillsbury cookies


The Halloween ones are somehow ALWAYS better!


12. And finally because you get to have a small break from school work during fall break

Hope everyone is just as excited as I am for October!


