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10 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Freshman Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

I want to begin this ode to myself by stating that I can’t help but laugh when I think back on my Freshmen year here at SJU. As a wise and knowledgable 18 year old (can you sense my sarcasm?), I eagerly moved into LaFarge with a lanyard around my neck and about thirty five high-waisted skirts and crop tops. The lanyard quickly disappeared, but unfortunately, the crop tops and high-waisted skirts lingered far too long.

The point I’m trying to make here is, I began my college years with many preconceived notions on how one was supposed to act, dress, feel, and live. I had a clear plan and vision regarding the friends I was going to make, how I was going to spend my weekends, and what my classes were going to be like. When these plans didn’t work out as I assumed they would, I struggled through the majority of my Freshman year.

Now, let’s fast forward three years later. I can honestly say that I’ve had some of the most transformative, eye-opening, fun, breathtaking, exciting, and heartbreaking experiences during my college years. If I could turn back time and sit down with myself – the overly-anxious, sleep-deprived, lanyard wearing gal – this is what I would tell her.

Sleep. I’m begging you. please go to bed. There is no good reason for you to be eating queso right now. It’s 3 A.M. and you have an 8 A.M. math class that really hurts your brain. Sleeping four hours every night and then napping for three hours every day is going to make you feel sick and tired! So hey, don’t do that.

You will create some wonderful, meaningful friendships with people you never expected. You will grow a part from people whom you thought would be in your life forever. Both of these things are okay. Throughout college, you will gain and lose friends – especially during your Freshmen year. Don’t panic if you’re not clicking with your suite mates or if you feel that you’re growing a part from your high school friends. You are going to change a lot over the next few years. You will find your people, and I promise you that you will know when you do. And you will create some of the most beautiful memories with them!

You will have your heart broken and put together again multiple times. You are going to have your heart broken by multiple boys, things that you see, and experiences that you have. And you will have people there to help you pull yourself together again. You will learn so much about yourself from these moments of despair.

You are going to fail. Whether it be a test, a cut from an organization, or a relationship, you will most likely let yourself and others down at one point in your college career. These experiences will help you to learn more about yourself and how you handle failure.

The library is your best frenemy. Spend HOURS in the library during the week. Not only will you get your work done, but you will gossip with your friends on first floor PLC until 2 A.M. That place is WILD fun and you will begin to actually be excited to go there.

Go to the gym. It’s free and it’s in walking distance! Never again in your life will you have such a sweet deal. Please take advantage of this because I need to let you in on something..the Freshmen 15 is real. However, the Junior Landmark/Larry’s/Mike’s experience is SO REAL.

Don’t declare your major or minor until you feel like you’re ready. You are most likely going to feel pressure from your parents, professors, and friends to make a discussion regarding this pretty early on. Don’t declare anything until you absolutely know what you’d like to learn more about.

Listen to your professors and make connections with them. We are very privledged to be surrounded by such intelligent professors and advisors. Go to their office hours for extra help, but also go to chat about life, something you found interesting in their class, or a potential job opportunity you’d like their opinion on. They are here to help you, and they will go out of their way to make you’re time here easier if you let them.

Chill out. I promise that your exam tomorrow is not going to make or break you. I promise that you won’t even be thinking about that boy who won’t text you back in a few months. I promise that you can live on $25 dollars this week if you cut back on Chipotle. EVERYTHING is going to be okay.

Put yourself in situations that scare you to death. I can’t stress this point enough. We are lucky enough to go to a school that provides us with so many unique opportunities. Whether it be lacing up your work boots on your first Appalachia trip, or venturing into the city to dance on the stage at Howl At The Moon with your best friends, you are not going to regret a single moment.