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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJU chapter.

With the first Palooza of the year right around the corner, we all know there are many steps that we take in order to (or attempt to) have a successful Palooza. We all know it’s the SJU students’ favorite day of the year…other than Spring Palooza. Here we come Mad River!

Stage 1: Get your ticket in advance! 

Even though it might only be ten bucks, we all know no one wants to pay at the door & you’ll probably end up needing that extra 10 that day.

Stage 2: Find an outfit.

Whether that means picking something out (a.k.a: going into your roommate’s room and borrowing their clothes) or making a quick trip to Suburban Square. (Thank god for that place!) 

Stage 3: The night before Palooza & all through the house, all roommates were sleeping & none going out. It’s 100% necessary to have a movie night with the girls and get a good night sleep. (Because if your roommates are anything like mine, the music will start blaring at 10:30am.)



This is the only Saturday your entire house is up and ready before 1pm. & the morning is filled with bagels, mimosas, and coffee. What’s better than that?!

Stage 5: PREGAME.

This is the time where you see everyone ….and their mother. Everyone is dressed up in their trendy fall fashion, with a drink…or two in their hand & ready to conquer the day. 

Stage 6: The line.

This is the part of the day where you scope out the scene and try to find someone you know. Then notice the people glaring at you with the look, “don’t you dare cut this line.”

Stage 7: Palooza!!!  You are finally in, the bands are playing & the tents are filled with people. There 2 different types of palooza people.

Some people are at the front of the stage the whole time. They might not know the bands have changed, but they are every band’s biggest fan. Then there are the wanderers, you seem to spend your whole time traveling from person to person. Then finally reunite with your people…at some point.

Stage 8: Pizza!

I think that it might be Mike’s & DeSandro’s pizza places least favorite day of the year. Hundreds of starving, drunken people flood the pizza shop and act like animals. Sorry in advance, but thanks for saving us every time!

Stage 9: Sleep!

I don’t know if I am ever more tired than I am by the end of Palooza. Maybe you are one of the bold people that has enough stamina to keep going through the night. But let’s be honest… most of us are in bed by 9.

Stage 10: Next morning! There are so many great stories, memories, and pictures! Sometimes this is more entertaining than Palooza itself. And thank you Mad River for capturing the whole night through pictures. I think we all have a love/hate relationship with those!

I hope to see you there!

