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What It’s Really Like to Commute at SJSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

San Jose State University is known for being a commuter school since many students don’t live on campus. People commute from different parts of the Bay Area besides, such as Livermore, Union City, Castro Valley, Stockton, and even Hollister.

Commuting can be very convenient for a variety of reasons, but there are also many downsides that make the commute to campus a hassle.

I sent out a Google form to commuters at SJSU and I’ll be sharing the questions I asked and some of their responses. 

  1. What makes it more convenient for you to commute to SJSU as opposed to living on campus?

One of the reasons why commuting to campus is more convenient for students is due to the financial aspect. Commuters save thousands of dollars that they would be spending on rent and meals on top of tuition.

Another benefit of living at home is that you are able to have a boundary between home and school.

Separating the two is beneficial because you get to have your own space and privacy that you wouldn’t get in the dorms. Many of the responses from the survey also mentioned that they enjoy living with their families.

Getting to spend time with family is such a privilege and students enjoy being with them at home! 

  1. What are some of the cons/difficulties that come with commuting to SJSU? 

Most of the responses from students emphasized the struggle with traffic, long drives, and parking. Several responses talked about being late to class or missing class altogether because of a lack of parking or unexpected traffic.

San Jose State will charge an unlimited number of students for parking permits, which means that there are more parking permits than there are spots. Even though commuting does save money with rent, commuters have to pay for parking permits and gas. 

When it comes to the social aspect of college, commuters said that they struggle with making friends since they are not in the dorms or on campus as often. Many people only come to campus for class and don’t have a ton of free time due to work and other responsibilities.

Students also said that being an active member of clubs can be difficult due to scheduling conflicts with events and meetings. Planning ahead can be a hassle, which contributes to the difficulties with making friends and being involved on campus. 

  1. Describe your college experience as a commuter. Do you still feel involved on campus/feel like you are getting the college experience? 

The commuters who took the survey had mixed responses when it came to their college experience. Many commuters still feel involved on campus and are able to be active in their organizations.

These clubs are one of the ways commuters can make friends, which gives them people to hang out with during gaps between classes or events. One commuter stated that they feel that they have to put in more effort to be involved and that living off campus makes being involved more difficult. 

On the other hand, other commuter students do not feel as involved on campus. Some responses discussed how commuters miss out on a lot of school and club events due to scheduling conflicts or because they are not made aware of these events.

Overall, the responses show that it is possible to be involved on campus as a commuter, but it requires a lot more effort. 

  1. How do you occupy your time as a commuter between classes or events?

Many of the commuters who responded to the survey said that they spend time in the library between classes or events. Taking advantage of the time between obligations to catch up on school makes life less stressful.

Several said they also sit in the student union on campus, where they can buy food and be with friends. Commuters also spend time on Tower lawn, where they can have picnics or read.

Additionally, the coffee shops nearby campus such as Nirvana Soul or Philz Coffee are places where students go to study.

Unfortunately, some students sleep in their cars to catch up on sleep while not losing their parking spot. Many students are lucky enough to have friends who live on campus.

  1. What has helped you make the most of your college experience as a commuter?

Making the most of your college experience as a commuter student is tough and requires a lot of effort. Some ways that SJSU students can make the most out of college is to spend quality time with friends and join different organizations.

Getting involved on campus whether it is through a club, a sports team, Greek life, and more, will help commuters feel like they have a place where they belong.

Many students said that joining various organizations have helped prevent them from feeling like an outsider on campus. Finding friends on campus when you commute is difficult, but once you find your people, the college experience is so much more enjoyable. 

  1. What is some advice that you would give to future and current commuters at SJSU?

The students who responded to my survey had so much valuable advice for commuters. Several pieces of advice were about the parking situation at SJSU.

Since the campus sells unlimited parking permits, this means that many students are left without a parking space. Coming to school early will help ensure that you are on time for class and that you won’t be driving around the parking lot for hours.

Having to miss class or events due to a lack of parking is not ideal, so come as early as possible to secure a spot. Additionally, finding friends who are also commuters can be helpful since they are experiencing the same college experience.

I found a group of friends who all commute to campus when I was a freshman, and it made me feel so much better about my circumstances. We were all able to be involved on campus in different ways, which helped show me that commuters can still have an exhilarating college experience.

Additionally, taking advantage of campus resources such as the student union, the library, the student wellness center and more can help students feel more connected to campus. We pay to utilize all of these resources, so might as well take advantage!

The resources on campus can also help with mental health, which needs to be prioritized especially for a commuter. Driving to and from school every day can result in burnout, so it’s important to prioritize some sort of self-care. 

Being a commuter does not have to hinder your college experience in any way.

Let us know what has made your life as a commuter easier via @HerCampusSJSU.

Hello everyone! My name is Bella Phan and I am a fourth year studying Public Health at San Jose State University! I have always loved to write and I am so excited to be continuing that passion with Her Campus at SJSU.