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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

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Image Via Yve Saint Laurent

The first time I laid my eyes on the Opyum heels from YSL, I thought to myself, “these are impossible to walk in”. In 2020, I started my job as a luxury shoe specialist and had the chance to try on these iconic heels. As the same thought crossed my mind, a bigger question was raised: how am I supposed to sell these unbearable and expensive shoes to anyone?

I noticed a very niche demographic who were interested in these shoes, usually someone who was looking for an outfit for a special occasion such as a birthday or graduation. There is usually one of two outcomes when someone tries on the shoe.

They pass on the purchase because of how uncomfortable it is or they take it home but come back to return it in two weeks because they realized how difficult it was to walk in. 

So, why would a luxury brand known for its high-quality pieces design a shoe that was impossible to wear? Why would someone purchase a $1,000 shoe if they are not comfortable walking in?

YSL is known for its seductive aesthetic. Simply put, these shoes were designed as a work of art. These 4.3-inch logoed heels are not meant for your everyday wear. The clients that purchase these heels and keep them are usually luxury aficionados who collect luxury accessories the way others collect art. 

There are tips and tricks to make these heels more comfortable. Whether I am wearing a designer or contemporary heel, I always add a gel cushion pad to relieve the pressure from the ball of my foot.

It is also not uncommon for people to go up half a size when purchasing these shoes. With any shoe, it takes a few wears to break them in, especially considering that patent leather will stretch.

There is no saying what makes the YSL Opyum heels worth buying. Everyone buys shoes for different reasons whether it is for comfortability or for the aesthetic. 

Is this something you would purchase? Let us know! Tag us @HerCampusSJSU!

Hi I'm Bethany! I'm a senior studying Business Management at San Jose State University. I love fashion and luxury and you can see more of me on Instagram or TikTok @bethanyhui