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Staying Single During Cuffing Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

It’s that time of the year again. You know, that annoying time where we all rush to find a new “bae” for the holiday season because no one wants to be alone right? That’s right, the infamous cuffing season has finally arrived.

So, I’m here to talk about the women who actually want to stay single during this time, but feel obligated to date just because everyone else is getting “cuffed.”

I am HAPPILY SINGLE. But I wasn’t always this way. Even today, I sometimes wonder why is it so hard to find a decent guy to date. Someone who would be strong enough to be patient and understanding with me. I was obviously born in the wrong generation because I don’t like to play childish games with other’s feelings. I’m super old-fashioned y’all. If I could go back in time and go on REAL dates instead of flings to skating rinks and drive-ins I totally would.

Unfortunately, I was born in this era and I have to find a way to deal with it and so do you. And if I can do it, you can too.

So here are a few steps that can help you get through those nonstop “situationships” that don’t work out.


Ladies, you cannot skip this step. No matter how hard you try to, it will haunt you. You have to think about what went wrong and how you can do better. By this, I mean doing better for yourself. Cry about it. Be frustrated. Be confused. It’s normal. After you get that out your system, raise your standards!

Do what you want!

I have this thing I call the “healing stage.” In this stage I literally do what I want and don’t explain “nothing to nobody.” As long as you remember who you are in the end that’s all that matters.

Keep it pushing.

Focus on taking care of yourself. The little things matter. Book up your week with a million and one things to do and stay busy. Laugh as hard as you can. Go to sleep at a decent time so you’re not up thinking about being single. After that, keep it pushing. Meaning, if it crosses your mind, distract yourself and be fierce.

Everyone’s life has different timing, so do not be discouraged. If you engulf yourself in your own success and set goals, you won’t even have time to think about relationships. I took the summer to disappear from anything negative in my life, and got down to the root of myself and focused on building myself back up. I then set a number of goals that I don’t plan on letting anyone get in the way of. When you better yourself and grind like a boss someone will eventually notice. Everything else will fall into place.

Have a nice Fall season ladies!


My name is Tiona, I go by T and I have a passion for writing and informing people on issues and media in the world. I'm from Sacramento, CA and I'm in my 3rd year studying PR and Dance. I love old school music, traveling, dancing, and making a difference. My favorite color is yellow, I love basketball, and fashion/beauty. I'm a very straight foward and lowkey person. After college I'd like to get my Cosmetology license and also go on to graduate school to study fashion and/or performing arts. 
Tiana is a senior at San Jose State University and she is learning to take each day one step at a time while adjusting to life in the Bay Area. She's often watching YouTube videos on D.I.Y projects or hair care, but majority of the time she's watching Parks and Rec episodes while pretending to do homework. In the midst of all that homework dodging she's also casually planning her dream wedding.